Forty years of designing is right here on the shelve for you to be tailored to your specific needs.
Have a look at our design page where most of the designs are displayed.
Most of the designs are complete and have been build before which guarantees their completeness and that they are free of errors. All texts are clearly written or printed in English while all measurements are metric.
All our designs are subject of copyright and may not be copied without our written permission. Also the intellectual properties of the drawings and concept stays at all times at Dick Zaal Yacht Design.
A complete set of paper- (or electronic CAD) drawings of a specific yacht can be quoted to you on request, and give you the right to build one boat from of it: extra copies can be send to you for basic cost prices. When you want to reuse the drawings for an another boat, special royalty prices are in order which varies for every design.
What do you get when you buy a set of drawings:
You will get everything necessary to build a yacht. There is nothing left out for your imagination.
Depending on the size of the yacht and its complexity a set of plans could consist of:
1. Lines plan
2. Table of offsets or a plot file for full size moulds or frames.
3. Interior drawings with all necessary information
4. Hull sections and bulkheads.
5. Deck plan showing all fittings
6. Sail plan
7. Sparplan
8. Construction drawings
9. Keel
10. Rudder
11. Rigging list
12. Detail drawings
13. Specifications