1 January 1970 ,
An american client asked us to rescale the drawings of the 'Red Lion which is her self already a 48' scaled down version of a 16th century Dutch East India man.
At the moment the exact size is not yet decided upon, but it is likely around 28'. The multiple decks will make for a less than easy set of lines. Soon the results can be seen as a rendering on this web-side, the final result will be floating in lake Michigan in a few years time;;redlion_small.JPG 13;5-3-2004 12:28:48;2-12-2001;Lapwing;Lapwing (aluminium) has arrived at the finishers yard BOOTWERK at Woudsend. It is about time you have a look at her (pictures), she is built of aluminium and a classic looking centre-border of 36'. And is in fact a extension in the line of 'Zeevink', which is 33' l.o.a.. We will add the general arrangement drawings in due course in the list of stock designs for alum. construction. ;http://www.dickzaalyachtdesign.nl/designs/lapwing/newslapwing.htm;newsla2.jpg 18;18-11-2005 12:39:00;17-11-2005;OPUS 45;This season saw the OPUS 45 hit the water. This powerboat was 'invented and styled' by her owner, the former ofshore sailor Wytse van der Zee, as before we did the naval architectural part of the project. Her hull was built by Harry Koopmans in Sneek with whom we have now for years a lasting cooperation. The sea trials are succesfully concluded, and the team is looking forward for the next project which looms in the future. visit www.OpusMaritiem.nl and www.koopmanskasko.nl;;varen3.jpg 19;18-11-2005 12:35:07;17-11-2005;New keel for FAN FAN;After Fan Fan's epic voyage around the world, her owner decided to upgrade her with a new keel as well some changes in the rig. The goal with the keel was to reduce the extreme depth but at the same time gain some stability. We fitted our own boat some years ago succesfully with a bulb keel, and this was clearly the way to go. (click on Inlexible in the 'about us' page.) We ended up with an unusual swept forward profile which allowed the optimum positions of both the centres of effort as wel as gravity. The keel was produced in Holland and fitted in Germany.;;fanfankiel3.JPG 20;21-11-2005 21:38:50;18-10-2005;Zeevink;After a few years of diligent work in fitting out his van Waveren built hull, Jan Vink enjoyed his first sailing trips. I got a E-mail full of praise and can only hope to join him on a sailing trip in the next spring to check if he is not exaggerating things. At least the photograph of ‘Zeevink’ dried out on a sand bar near Vlieland proved the suitability of his boat for drying out. ;;Zeevinkdroog2.JPG 41;20-11-2005 17:46:32;3-11-2005;The Grey Hound;A few months ago the Louise was lauched and now after extensive trials, including a cruise in the English Channel, the boat is now back at Adrie Pijnen’s yard in Tholen for the last few items to be brought to perfection. The boat performs as she should and is the owners pride in all respects. Beside she is a fine example of boatbuilders skill, she is manageable and fast, as a true single handed yacht should be. We hope to be able to have some pictures to show soon .- ;;Greyhound.jpg 26;21-11-2005 21:38:42;19-9-2005;Cheese Cutter;Cheese Cutter, the Australian multichine version of ‘Zeevink’ was the first of the breed to be brought under sail. She has done some extended cruising on the Australian east coast and proved her self an able little cruising yacht. This picture shows her at anchor in a bay on Fraser Island. Fred Grimminck commented; ‘it looks great but you can’t see the sandflies’. ;;DSC00038.jpg 39;21-11-2005 21:37:49;5-8-2005;Flux;The Zeevink ”Flux” with a hull produced by Harry Koopmans standing high and dry on a shoal in the south of Holland. The interior will be completed in the next few month. ;;Moldroog.JPG 40;23-11-2005 15:50:12;20-10-2005;The Skarpsno;Since we went up to the Sogne Fjord last year for christening the Nirwana lots of sea water past her bottom. During the summer last year only the heavy ice prevented her to sail round Spits Bergen. The photograph shows her at anchor in a beauty spot over there. This year saw her for the second time in the Shetlands. Olav wrote: I have done a lot of coastal sailing + a trip to Shetland. We went from Høyanger to Lerwick in 33 hrs, from the outer part of the Sognefjord to Bressey by sail only. Crossing the North Sea with 8 knots on an average. We started out with NE 20 knots wind and ended up with N-NW 40 knots outside Lerwick. It was a good crossing! View http://www.synirvana.com ;http://www.synirvana.com;Spitsbergen.jpg 44;22-9-2006 22:06:39;21-1-2006;Coronet 41;An interesting yacht is under construction at the Koopmans yard in Sneek. It’s a Coronet 41 which has her pedigree in the 40 foot single handed racer ‘Royal Leerdam”. The present model has a modified hull shape to allow more pay load for a family crew. She is still a performance yacht in the first place, but at the same time she is an excellent cruising yacht capable to drying out in exclusive spots. As the hull is nearing completion, the next weeks would be the time to have a look at her before she is shipped to the USA. ;www.koopmanskasko.nl;Dragan005.jpg 43;2-10-2006 23:43:28;2-12-2005;Asiak;Several years ago we designed this alum. cutter with classic lines for a Swedish customer who had some serious ocean cruising in the planning. And so he did, Asiak sailed among other countries to Brasil. Although most of my oeuvre can be called ‘sea worthy’, some are more suitable then others. It is true, with her long keel and S shaped frames she is no wonder of speed, but she is far from sluggish either. The difference is in the way she moves through the waves, this boat will not tire her crew! While most owners get their kicks in modern plastic, her present Dutch owner brought her back to the Netherlands were she was built. Her purposeful looks is a pleasant change in any yacht harbour. ;;Asiac.JPG 45;26-1-2006 00:02:58;25-1-2006;Lapwing;Tuimelaar heet de Lapwing die sinds kort op stapel staat bij Harry Koopmans. Deze keer valt de bouw digitaal te bewonderen op www.koopmanskasko.nl Er zijn wat geringe verschillen met de Raven (zie foto onder zeil) Het meest opvallende is dat er een sloeptuigage toepast is zonder overlappende voorzeilen. Niet alle aanpassingen zijn bedoeld als verbeteringen, maar bij one-off's is het relatief gemakkelijk op de wensen van de klant in te spelen. Tuimelaar is hier een goed voorbeeld van.;WWW.koopmanskasko.nl;Raven.JPG 46;22-9-2006 21:59:52;17-9-2006;Grey Hound MKII;For a Danish customer we made a cruising version of the renown Grey Hound. Like FAN FAN, who is enjoying her second youth with her succesful new keel, she is constructed in aluminium. With increased interior space and headroom, she is no longer only suitable for roaming single handers. While most of the original features are untouched she offers now comfort as well. The hull is build by Koopmans kasko's and is expected to be ready before the end of the following month.;;Greyhoundcasco.jpg 48;22-9-2006 20:55:43;17-9-2006;STARBUCK;It was about thirty years ago, just after starting my own office, that I got the commission to design a quarter tonner for wood construction. I named the design 'STARBUCK' , and the first one was constructed in my home town not far from my office. We decided to use the West system and had the materials imported from the UK. So we had the first boat built in Holland according to this construction method. For the next few years the boat was succesfully in the Dutch races. Recently I came across a photograph of a beautiful restored sister ship and I can't help thinking that 'JUNE' is still an attractive little boat after so many years.;;Starbuck.jpg 51;29-9-2006 16:14:02;22-9-2006;Tuimelaar;The Lapwing 'Tuimelaar' reached the yard where she will be finished. For us a new name and address; Rob Fritz Fully painted to a high standard by Klaver Painters in Hindelopen, she really is a pearl and surely will attract admirers where ever she will be. Our designs could hardly be better come to reality then by teams like Koopmans kasko's, Klaver and now Rob Fritz. I am sure the latter won't mind if interested people will come and have a look. ;www.robfritz.nl;Tuimelaar3.jpg 52;2-11-2006 23:56:18;10-10-2006;Grey Hound MKII;For interested people, the GREY-HOUND MK II hull will hit the road next thursday the 26th of October. So now is the time to go to Sneek to have a look at her. And compare her with the Coroned 41 which is also still on the premises awaiting her engine and rigging. ;www.koopmanskasko.nl;Lund005.jpg 53;1-4-2008 22:54:59;25-5-2007;Atlantic 48;The latest addition of our range of designs for Atlantic is doing trials. The Atlantic 48 took a long time to build, but now she emerge as a truly exceptional yacht. She stand proud too of her co creators being Dick Young for her interior design, Folmer for her alum. hull, and Atlantic for the completion. She has had her first outing which, as I have been told, was promising. I hope soon to be able to show more pictures, and report about her potentional.;;Atl48B.jpg 54;15-2-2007 23:32:27;15-2-2007;NorthernComfort 43 keel/centre board;The Northern Comfort 43 appears the subject of constant modifications. The third boat in composite construction, features extreme shoal draft (0.80 mtr) This enables this boat to enter places where not even a pike dares to swim. The double rudders are assisted for slow speed manoeuvring by a little third rudder placed in the slipstream of the propeller. The centre board casing is fully integrated in the galley and under the cabin table and is of no great impact to the interior. She still is suitable for ocean crossings and will do so. ;;Northerncomfort43KC.JPG 56;19-5-2007 21:39:15;7-3-2007;Contest owners club www.CYOC.nl;As a Contest owner for more than 35 years, and as the designer of many hundreds of Contest yachts built, its a pleasure to announce the establishment of an owners association. Not only will be club outings organized, but via a website a forum gives the opportunity to swap know how on several subjects, among other useful things. It is long over due, but I see a bright future. info@CYOC.nl ;www.cyoc.nl;HTraceinflspin.jpg 57;4-12-2008 17:27:12;17-3-2008;Charter Schooner Matiara Laut;For a customer of long standing we designed the hull for a 130’ wooden charter schooner to be build on one of the beaches of Kalimantan Indonesia with old fashioned skills. The centuries honed experiences in building Pinisi craft is now getting a new direction as some of the craftsman has been studying shipbuilding over seas, and are now able to build from plans. The still readily availability of suitable timber from the forests nearby, makes wood the obvious choice for the construction material. Specially ‘Ulin’ which is known as Iron Wood is extremely strong and durable, all in all, this is a very interesting project. ;http://www.mutiaralaut.com;MLat3.JPG 58;18-3-2008 00:00:23;17-3-2008;Grey-Hound MKIII;After Uwe Röttgering's epic voyage around the globe with FanFan, the Greyhound has had a revival. After the slightly larger version in composite we are also going ahead in the original material which proved so suitable to pass the punishment of a grueling voyage like Fan Fan endured. Had a former version a larger superstructure to provide headroom over a larger area, the boat now under construction has more or less the distinct Fan Fan appearance , but just so modified that some of the interior parts could be so much roomier as present day demands. Another addition is a scoop. The hull builder is Koopmanskasko in Sneek. ;;GHitverI.JPG 59;17-3-2008 23:58:18;17-3-2008;northern comfort 43;The Northern Comfort 43 design has been the subject for yet another update. Were the earlier modifications more of a gradual progression, this time the hull has little resemblance with the former models. The stem is nearly upright, and the transom is much wider and set vertical. The boat is more powerful and has notable more inside volume, which can be spent on just roomier spaces of the layout as it was, but is suitable for other concepts as well. The boat is under construction by Adrie Pijnen Jachtbouw in Tholen. ;;Nc43mkiii5.jpg 60;17-3-2008 23:51:00;17-3-2008;Ocean Wanderer;The Ocean Wanderer is a wood core 45' cutter in a style which I used several years ago. However the concept is very much up to date, and with the collected feed back of several hundreds predecessors it was very worth while to work on this design. Those earlier boats proved to be excellent cruising boats, and several have done extended ocean cruises. The hull and deck are nearly completed, and the finishing is planned for the year to come We are eager to learn if the performance gain which comes with the lighter construction and lower center of gravity will be as significant as our calculations show. ;;OceanW5.JPG 61;2-4-2008 12:18:54;1-4-2008;Atlantic 43hk;That the yard Atlantic is building high quality yachts is for us no news item. As they are normally quite modest, it's therefore good to see that they get some recognition about it. The praise is well deserved. The magazine ‘Zeilen’ which is specializing in all what has to do with sailing tested one of their boats and it is worth while reading. Also several aspects of our design are found exceptional, which is however not restricted to the Atlantic range of yachts only. Get the April issue (No 4) page 52 ;www.zeilen.nl;Zeilen1.JPG 62;2-4-2008 12:21:38;1-4-2008;Northern Comfort 43 MKIII;Some where below this news item I showed a rendering of the hull of the latest version of the Northern Comfort 43 MKIII. Although showing off her ‘state of art’ hull form, the picture falls short of imaging of what you will see later on the water. Here is a sailplan with her profile, and compare it with the other pictures on my site. She surely is different or not? We keep the the earlier design on the stock plan list as she might attract admirers as well.;www.pijnenjachtbouw.nl;NC43zeilplan.jpg 64;2-4-2008 10:33:31;11-10-2007;cheese Cutter making miles;On the other side of our globe the multi chine ‘Zeevink’, ‘Cheese cutter’ sails up and down on the eastern seaboards of Australia. The planning is to sail up north in the next months. ;;Cheesecutter.JPG 69;22-4-2008 14:04:44;22-4-2008;Ocean Wanderer;One of our few Wood-Core constructed boats is nearing completion in Istanbul Turkey. Built by semi skilled, but determined people she appears to be a first class job. I am collecting the material for a page under GRP boats in my stock plans section. Here is already a first impression! A few items below you can see a 3D rendering of the model. ;;OWzeilplan.JPG 71;21-10-2008 12:29:39;17-10-2008;35 years ago;Not only in the Netherlands form the Contest owners an association, but now in the UK as well. I read about it in the Yachting Monthly and looked subsequently on their web-site. As to be expected there were several boats mentioned from my hand. I found a review about the Contest 28 which pleased me a lot. I owned a Contest 27 the predecessor and hull sister of the Contest 28. Not only were we very successful in races, I sailed the boat with my wife and three small children, but without an engine to Norway and back for a holiday. Not ever she gave the impression of not being up to voyage at all! ;www.contestowners.org;Contest28.jpg 72;3-12-2008 11:39:37;3-12-2008;Ocean Wanderer;The woodcore/composite cutter rigged Ocean Wanderer after launching. Showing her modified transom and extended aft deck. The Turkish built proto type attracted a lot of admirers, and she surely is a beauty in all respects. We are awaiting eagerly the results of the first trails under sail. ;;OWlau.JPG 73;4-12-2008 13:20:02;4-12-2008;Mutiara Laut;A picture of the Mutiara Laut as she was in October. What here in Holland is nearly a lost art, is in Indonesia still thriving. Follow the building process on the web-site of the ship. www.mutiaralaut.com;www.mutiaralaut.com;MLinoc.jpg 74;4-1-2009 22:26:38;23-12-2008;Recent exploits of the Fulmar 38 “Fram”;A remarkable voyage was made this summer by Ed Megens and his ‘Fram”. Sailing single handed to Spits Bergen under less than favorable conditions in sometimes strong winds from averse directions, he showed what a determined skipper with a suitable boat can accomplice. The aluminium hull was built by Habbeké in Volendam, and completed by her first owner. She has a sister ship in ‘See Adler’ which was also built with extended cruising in mind, and was launched earlier this year. Ed’s readable account of the voyage is in his web site, together with some notes about his boat. ;http://home.planet.nl/~megen164/;Fram2008.jpg 75;7-4-2009 10:41:14;10-3-2009;Aluminium and lifting keel;My Northern Comfort 43 design offers again a different keel layout, this time a lifting one. The options are now; three fixed keels, with one feathering a bulb. Then the new lifting keel, a keel/ centre board and a full centre board configuration. The latter versions have double rudders, or even three rudders to improve manoeuvres in close quarters. The lifting keel necessitates a different interior layout as well , which is shown here. The plans as they are now, are meant for aluminium construction rather then the composite sister ships built in the last few years. Click for an enlarged version!;;NC43.JPG 76;10-3-2009 12:17:34;10-3-2009;Pearl of the Sea;Within weeks the Mutiara Laut will in tow cross the treacherous Java Sea to be completed on Bali. Her interior, rig and deck houses as well her engine will be added there. Here is a photo of some time ago with only part of the decking in place.;www.mutiaralaut.com;DSC02575.JPG 77;30-3-2009 16:38:25;30-3-2009;Steel Swift;My Swift design for aluminium construction dates back a few decennia, and was my answer to a specific design brief. The boat had to be able to reach shoal spots in our Waddenzee and dry out on sand banks and beaches at a decent angle. She also needed to be easy to handle and able to tack in the often narrow fairways without undue muscle power. And if possible avoiding any transitorical stylistic design trends. The resulting yacht named Puffin is still fulfilling the wishes as laid down by the owner. She surpassed some of those targets, by doing some voyages over open sea as for instance crossing the North Sea to Norway and back. It might be that she was ahead of her time as only recently there is anew interest for her as well as her design sister ‘Zeevink” , and now in a steel version. The picture shows this steel version which is fully redesigned to have the right parameters for the added weight. A cutter rig in the ‘Zeevink’ style is available as well. ;;SwiftST.JPG 78;30-3-2009 17:02:49;30-3-2009;Mutiara Laut launched;As to be expected the Mutiara Laut was launched with some help of high water and a tug boat. With many heavy weights not yet on board she is not floating on her marks, this will come later when ship is finished in Bali. Even when viewing from a far distance the projects progress is quite fascinating.;;Ready...JPG 79;22-6-2009 12:23:32;22-6-2009;Alum. Northern Comfort 46;Sometimes when I have been neglecting this news page for some time, people ask what is on the board at present. The answer for now is “ just an other aluminium Northern Comfort”. After the lifting keel version of Northern comfort 43, I decided that the Northern Comfort range could be extended with a larger type, around 46 feet hull length and having a lifting keel as well. Some idea’s which would not fit very well in the smaller version could be accommodated in the extra room available. The results give a remarkable sense of space below deck. Like my Atlantic 48 design she will have double rudders and twin steering wheels. I choose this time for a plain fractional sloop rig, but as she plans will not be exclusive for one yard, there is little which can’t be readily modified to suit owners whishes. ;;NC46In.JPG 80;16-8-2009 21:53:15;22-6-2009;Mutiara Laut in Bali waters;To keep you informed; the Mutiara Laut is at her home base for completion. Under the protecting roof the deck houses are taking shape. The expected final launching is at a year from now. It will be discovered that the time taken to built a hull is only a fraction of the total building time. But it appears that there are many hands at hand to tackle this in a adequate way. Many more pictures of the construction are to be found at the site www.farelli.info ;www.farelli.info;MLop.jpg 83;27-6-2009 16:30:58;27-6-2009;Fan Fan! 3rd in Ostar;Congratulations for Uwe as he managed to reach a podium place in the recent O-Star Trans Atlantic race. Although I still strongly believe in the concept of my Grey-Hound design as a dependable short hand cruiser, I am aware that to win an ocean sailing race with Fan-Fan! is asking for a very special set of conditions. Even with the extended refit and a new keel, the development in the last twenty five years has progressed beyond the racing possibilities of a heavy build aluminium yacht of that time. The more valued is the result of Uwe who had little or none racing experience previously of this race. Uwe well done! ;;Fanfan.jpg 82;27-6-2009 15:50:16;15-4-2009;Northern Comfort 43 lifting keel;As time slips by, it’s now more then twenty five years ago since we developed the cuddy seats in front of the cockpit. When working on the Grey One design with more than a little help from my friends Wytse van der Zee and Henk Jukkema, both Atlantic crossing solo sailors, we ‘ invented’ more or less the integrated dodger. Mostly weather protection was an 'add on' till then, sometimes being a hard top which gave a boat the appearance of a motor sailer. By having a stepped down part of the cockpit, the helmsman was able to look over the dodger, instead of against it. Besides it enhanced the looks and reduced windage, it has a safety function as well as there are no blind vision angles for the crew in the cockpit. On some of the designs like ‘Coronet’ and on the cruising version of ‘Grey-Hound’ the watch seats are also provided with this look around feature, as the dodger is there not an extension of the super structure. On my recent version of the Northern comfort 43 the latter solution was chosen, but not out of necessity. ;;NC43mkVhk.JPG